WordSearch Instructions
Here is a picture of the puzzle screen as it first appears:
The words to find are listed, logically enough, under “Words to Find”. There are two basic ways to indicate the presence of the words you find. One is by moving the cursor over the first (or last) letter of the desired sequence and continuing to move the cursor winding up over the last letter of the sequence. The second is by double clicking the letter at the start (or the end) of the desired sequence, then double clicking the letter at the opposite end of the sequence.
The process is shown below:
If you make a mistake, or have a bunch of highlighted yellow (or orange—-explained later) letters such as shown below, you could move the cursor outside of the yellow highlighted letters, or just click the “Clean” button below the word list.
After clicking the “Clean” button:
You may find that the second method of indicating the presence of the words you find is easier and quicker. You double click on the first or last letter of the word you found. It will be highlighted orange. Then double click on the last (or first) letter you found, and if the word exists in the word list, it will be highlighted either green or magenta. If the word does not exist, you will see this:
You could double click again, or else just click the “Clean” button to return to: