Microbiologists Background
The famous microbiologists chosen for this puzzle come from the early days of microbiology. The order of the names is more or less chronological.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek: Considered to be the first acknowledged microscopist.
Edward Jenner: Developed vaccination techniques against smallpox.
Ignaz Semmelweis: Demonstrated effectiveness of washing hands with chlorine solutions in reducing mortality of child birth in hospitals.
Hans Christian Gram: Developed Gram stain.
Charles Lavaran: Discovered causes of malaria and trypanosomiasis.
Joseph Lister: Introduced sterilization methods to surgery.
Louis Pasteur: Key proponent of germ theory.
Fanny Hesse: Developed agar for culturing bacteria..
Martinus Beijerinck: Discovered the first virus.
Marjory Stephenson: Early student of bacterial metabolism.
Kiyoshi Shiga: Discovered a bacterium related to a dysentery outbreak.
Sergei Winogradsky: Discovered numerous aspects of biogeochemical cycles..
Emil Adolf von Behring: Discovered a diphtheria antitoxin.
Ronald Ross: Discovered that malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes
Robert Koch: Identified causative agents of tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax.
Charles Jules Henri Nicolle: Determined that typhus is transmitted by body lice.
Gerhard Domagk: Discovered the first commercially available antibiotic: prontosil.
Alexander Fleming: Shared 1945 Nobel Prize with Chain and Florey for discovery of penicillin.
Ernst Boris Chain: Shared 1945 Nobel Prize with Fleming and Florey for discovery of penicillin.
Howard Walter Florey: Shared 1945 Nobel Prize with Chain and Fleming for discovery of penicillin.
Contents derived in part from WikiPedia article at [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_microbiologists].