Reviews provided on this page can be for books, techniques, equipment, meetings, videos, and others. It is necessary to remember that the PMF is a nonprofit organization, so any reviews provided must not be overtly commercial in nature. Think along the lines of what would be included in a peer reviewed article Materials and Methods section and the reviews will likely be satisfactory. Submissions found to be too commercial will be returned to the submitter with suggestions for how to remove the excessively commercial aspects. Reviews can be submitted to David A. Porter at [email protected] for consideration.
Review Subject
Review Type
Review Author
Tony Cundell, Ph. D.
Principal Consultant, Microbiological Consulting, LLC Rye, New York |
Tony Cundell, Ph. D.
Principal Consultant, Microbiological Consulting, LLC Rye, New York |
Tony Cundell, Ph. D.
Principal Consultant, Microbiological Consulting, LLC Rye, New York |
Tony Cundell, Ph. D.
Principal Consultant, Microbiological Consulting, LLC Rye, New York |
Sponsor's Corner
The sponsors of the PMF are absolutely essential to the existence of the PMF. Each sponsor is listed below in order of the sponsorship level (ranges from $5000.00/year to $100.00/year), and then alphabetically. Please click on the sponsor logo to be taken to a page specific to that sponsor.

< PMF is a not-for-profit scientific and educational organization.